Thank You’s
When it comes to award shows etc I have to agree with Ricky Gervais on his Golden Globe bit a couple of award shows ago ergo this “Go up accept your award thank your agent thank your God and piss off.” Nobody wants to sit through an umpteen hour speech listening to anyone thanking their goldfish Tubby and dog Franklin. It’s socially unpalatable and for God sake’s don’t go off into lecture territory especially if there is sanctimonious rigmarole involved. And don’t bring anyone on stage (unless it’s a group or team production category wise obviously) don’t show your backside either, it’s not your show. If you’ve ever seen it done it is cringing to watch it’s like “Have you never been out?” I believe every award show ought to have no more than 2 or 3 sentences max.
For the reference on the video
Courtesy of- Fire Films