That Moment
That moment of “Oh hell no, not again over some Man or Men I don’t even know personally or anything else.” Envy and jealousy is a powerful component that motivates people to do a lot of as we say lolo antics. They could definitely use a little less motivation or motivated to do something positive in their lives not hypothetically defecate on people. As I’ve posted many times over the last 8/9 years of the revolving door of nutter typically females and a couple of males from way back around the industry or thwarted groupie chronicles exemplifying what it’s like pretty much..
And you always get the feeling and vibe from them they have that expression any imp has of “I’m going to get even for some perceived slight that didn’t occur.” So much so at one point I altered an old social media account to have a Twilight theme because it got that incessant of disturbance for several years actually around 2012 to around about a nearly a year ago but that nut & their nutty parent still pops up once and awhile. Let’s look at the parallels.
Had the psycho aforementioned serial stalker talking about their “Nation” and “Army” over the years then crazed females they probably knew come after me (ergo James and Victoria characters) wanting revenge for some sob story the perpetrator has probably told on repeat after the intial spewing of garbage, metaphoric wolves who were/are sort of allies and support legitimate survivor leaders of that type of violence, potentially dangerous allies of course but still allies, metaphoric energy vampires in some respects, then Bella reborn as an even stronger more keen even more mature version of herself (IE when I began doing the work I’ve done for the past 7 years now), followed by defeating the evil energy vampires in a sense so hey the base storyline resonated with me on some levels. With real life that twisted who needs fantasy to be real?! 😄🤷🏽♀️ So for me Twilight isn’t the worst thing ever as many say. 😂
Point is at this point I can spot those types of problems a million miles away, you will or as in me will just be dancing happily doing my thing at last in life meanwhile they’re looking on metaphorically and literally in at least 1 case in person that actually occurred when I was in Morocco like “F that b__ I’m taking her down.” Meanwhile I’m in my heterosexual asexual bliss of “Nope don’t f with no one especially those who have insane females around left and right. Not a good idea because they will all gang up on you because that’s the world they live in.” They stick together, you have the main B__ or so they think and all the other ones fall behind them and do what they do like any bully. There is the main b then all the rest of them. That’s why when I do gigs I just do my thing and go home or back to the hotel etc, not overly friendly with people I’m not working with directly or legitimately networking with, I don’t party with anyone typically unless they’re LGTBQ because they’re usually really great to hang with and there’s no perceived power struggle to where they’re paranoid I’m trying to take their man or something (because they really aren’t theirs being if they were they wouldn’t have the paranoia in the first place 🤷🏽♀️), dance with nobody I don’t know, don’t club, nothing — too many problems I don’t need or have time for. Social media same thing, it’s probably the worst case scenario. I don’t DM any males unless it’s strictly business and I’m working with them/know them etc, certainly don’t call them ,comment, nothing because aside from issues from my said creeper James character like obsessive tracker stalker, females of the industry males would see that and go ballistic (and trust me they monitor that most times because they need that meal ticket of theirs mostly) even if it’s just basic networking harmless nothing they see my photo, what I’m about as a person, and it’s over game on from them… and in my experience it takes forever to get rid of their senseless begrudging crap which is why I say I don’t put myself in those positions. 🤷🏽♀️ I unfortunately learned the hard way several times over that when you are in or around the industry as a young Woman especially it’s a totally different world, you can’t be naive to it’s dynamics forever. It’s worth mentioning too males are big game players in that realm so to put yourself in it as a young Woman around the metaphorical wolves like so you’re just asking to be metaphorically torn to shreds or at least tussled around being they like to see the females fight over them… it boosts their already overinflated ego generally. So back to why I don’t f with anyone — I’ve not had the best experiences with people in or around the entertainment industry personally speaking. Fashion they’re typically not as nutty like so but entertainment absolutely entirely bonkers.