Pseduo”Pro Women” -ism
This account makes great points and they are entirely on point about this.
Courtesy of- R.H Sin
A lot of individuals throw that slogan around loosely when really they’re not pro Woman anything they’re pro themselves and honestly any Jezebel snake type like them. They use that ideology to idolize themselves and any narcopathic extension of self IE enablers, jezebels just like them, etc. It doesn’t pertain to anyone of merit, moral code or anything else or those just doing or more than them in life — it only pertains to them and those jezebels like them there’s a difference. The slogan is a trend for them to follow it doesn’t really mean anything in pertaining to other people just themselves and bubble circle. Those types can keep their pseudo “Pro- Women” anything because they’re not really they’re a snake and manipulator that slithers. Anything they do or say is for their benefit and self idolization.