The Best of Enemies
I had been wanting to see this for years, I had posted about it almost 2 years ago now. It is based on the true story of activist Ann Atwater and Klansman C.P. Ellis that not only worked together on school issue but Ellis turned from his hate filled ways. God can change a great deal about beings, it’s God that can change people and decency. It was quite a moral to the real life story.
Courtesy of- Wikipedia
Courtesy of- STXfilms
Those full of hate have no peace whatsoever in their lives no true joy they’re always combative, nasty, hateful, loathing. The story really conveys that. Hate and venom is no way to really live. Hate-filled beings go to bed full of hate they wake up with hate they have no peace, no nothing in their lives, they’re full of fear and ignorance.