The Chronic Lies of Social Media
Predators are known chronic liars that goes without saying. Social media facilitates that. They spin tales especially on social media that aren’t valid nor have any truth whatsoever. They come from liars a lot of times and have always carried out their existences as con artists. They lie about everything their whole existence is a lie. However in our world people have caught up to what is posed, fake, and what’s not. So much so there are report tabs for things like “False Information” “Misleading Information.” Etc. Twitter still needs to get a handle on fake info I must say that is why Twitter has lost a chunk of users because of the crap that has been allowed to go on. From Harassment to stalking, doxing etc. My perpetrator continues to use it to try to harass and basically make up stories about their grandiose winner at life existence that aren’t valid. It’s always around specific things, dates, etc. Basically a re re ancient ant that just goes around the same circle with the same cons more or less they’ve been telling with nothing to show for it the last decade. They just repeat the same pattern with maybe slightly differences to the photoshopped stories they mumble about. They’ve always been a liar, an opportunist, and Predator. Either way it doesn’t matter law is watching everything they’re doing and will for years at least thank God they should have been doing it years ago instead of letting that trash walk around in entire impunity. It’s the same BS on repeat they’re this successful musician (nobody knows who they are in reality), they have some BS accolades (broke as a joke), they have “A family ” (doesn’t exist), drama filled account of whatever for attention, and yet they’re somehow mr sanity when any idiot with 1/2 a brain can tell they’re entirely criminally insane/live in nowheresville and has to wear hand me downs practically. There is a point where it’s like give it up it doesn’t exist and nobody buys it, harassment aside the posing is beyond old. Nobody cares they really don’t. It’s like take accountability and stop making up all these red herrings that have nothing to do with anything. 🤷🏽♀️ There’s a reason I have security or law around me everywhere I go. Because of that psycho mostly.
Harassment and severe stalking cases like mine aren’t unusual. Harassers / Stalkers etc do that to prey using social media to harass, antagonizing, and taunt prey. Instagram is slightly better FB is hanging by a thread at this point.