The Cognitive Dissonance of Predators
In a nutshell
Reality “You have a record of 30 warrants for sexual misconduct and crimes you committed on innocent people… habitually.”
Predator: “I’m hated because I AM AN ARTIST.” LMBO
Seems to be their answer to everything like it makes them some supreme being above everyone they are not meanwhile real artists are doing this
Courtesy of- Malik654
That aside the issue is terrible and has no talent they’re a hack and wannabe just like any hack that came from them.
The cognitive dissonance is always so rich when it boils down to sexual deviants, predators, and the like. lol It’s like no nobody likes you and your imps because you are grimy to decent people, prey on people, say and do predatory crap to others, you slink on people, cause problems, whine like a punk, and make up stories that never occurred. And oh by the by suspected of molesting kids and sending child porn at the very least not to mention known to stalk and sexually harass minority Women AND have a background of exploiting minority Girls/Women myself included then stalking to keep prey in line and attempt to ruin our lives. It’s like a Black American judge didn’t abhor your a$$ for no reason same with law enforcement same with any imps that came by way of you. No one in any right mind anywhere can tolerate it.
Like sit down and take responsibility instead of pretending to be something they are not. That is it the end case closed. It’s called deflection of a wannabe. Next