The difference between those such as myself who don’t give a damn if we have attention, fame, influencer Pseudo cultured fame, exuberant amounts of money as well as the modern day court jesters of society that are basically insecure attention mongers it is people such as myself A. Don’t care what anybody thinks B. Most importantly solely has social media to draw attention to that which factually is paramount in the world and C. We aren’t clownish attention putas that will shamelessly exploit anything, person, group, or issue hijacking it for attention on their insincere selves. We are NOT the same nor cut from the same cloth. I don’t give a damn if I have pseudo “supporters”, “fans”, likes, follows, clicks, views, etc because the message people like myself carry and self respect surpasses that. We are cognizant of life and the world isn’t about self. These social media clowns, industry clowns, industry females etc are addicted to attention even if it’s fake. Fake views, likes, clicks, money, without it they are empty and I would dare say soulless because they have and or would sell their soul for attention. They are an eternal void of gluttony, stupidity, narcopathy, and ignorance. The Lady I reposted several weeks previously was spot on. It is of a podcast called, Whatever. It’s not solely females with this mentality and attitude any longer it’s mal-raised males I would dare say have sugar in their tank but despise it therefore they overcompensate by attempting to conceal who they are that are the very mentality she speaks facts to. Those types humiliate themselves and everybody around them but yet are under the impression they are the standard and above everybody when they’re really miserable. Really they were likely mal-raised that is doubtless.