Voicing Freedom
3 min readJul 1, 2021

The Enemy of Narcopathy

Like any abuser empowerment and freedom of the subject of narcopathy is their enemy. If their subject of control garners any lead way in life in any form it drives the narcopath in them mad and thus they seek retaliation. When an abuser becomes vindictive that is when they can be most destructive or even considering life or death of their target as they often escalate. Abusers of any type be it domestic violence abusers, resentful stalkers, traffickers, and so on all have that component of seeking control and power over others. This has been evident in cases like my own. The latest is being locked out of an important platform to infringe on participation and is not the first time, this has happened innumerable times over the years. Yesterday during a meeting there were strange audible interruptions the other party heard and could attest to. Everything from email tampering particularly important work related, monitoring, extreme harassment, legitimate cyber stalking, etc. Back when I did a photo shoot several months ago they mumbled something about “The devil got my Woman” or something or rather.. never mind I was never their Woman or anyone else’s, not too long ago something about “They’re not chasing you they already got you” after I posted about chasing the wrong things just as a general statement, before or during career events has been a nightmare which I don’t even speak on openly has been a history of issues from them or their twisted psycho misinformed imps. Basically anything that’s going to empower or just making a living is somehow always a major issue for any narcopathic abuser. Men same thing they harass and chase off any Man even if it’s professionally based. Let us face it nobody wants to have to deal with that. Thankfully law is taking these Human Rights crimes more seriously than before, accessibility has been much better for the actual victimized recognizing the perpetrators are indeed not the victims as they’ll sometimes profess themselves as such.

Courtesy of- New Beginning

Courtesy of- Womens Media Center

Courtesy of- Polaris Project

Pimps are often the same way anything that’s going to empower those they essentially enslave is quickly removed from the possession of the person of control, domestic violence sufferers same instance. I’ve aforesaid this many times but the Domestic Violence Wheel and Sex Trafficking Wheel look very similar, I would even say the Stalking Wheel can also exhibit these same attributes it depends however on the type of stalking but harassment of any degree is pretty much always evident. Anything to hassle, limit, or just make the life of the subject of such much more difficult than normally would be. Speaking of music as I posted yesterday there was a 1990's music video I’ve reposted and written around before by Bon Jovi called “Always.” This was in an era where domestic violence was somewhat still taboo therefore it was a subtle analysis of it. The part when he flips out over a Man who took in his significant other is pretty accurate more or less, now to what extent again it depends but that’s the norm when it comes to such abusers and control seekers. The core issue is. It must be said there isn’t any “Love” in that it’s about power and control just like rape or any other Human Rights violation is because no one that loves or supports someone seeks to control them in some way. Why do you have to know everything someone else is doing, saying, whereabouts or anything else? You don’t it’s not normal or healthy whatsoever. That’s a warped sickness in perpetrators that has nothing to do with love or anything else normal, it’s abnormal, and unhealthy thoroughly.

Courtesy of- Bon Jovi

Voicing Freedom
Voicing Freedom

Written by Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince