The Illuminati
As featured in an episode of BuzzFeed unsolved examining the Illuminati belief system. It’s very entertaining. Apparently 4% of American voters believed there actually is lizard people that control the world. 15 % of people believe the Illuminati exists. It’s entire nonsense, the whole section about when people stare off supposedly receiving mind control “Messages.” That could be anything especially in the celebrity world. That could be narcotics use, seizures, mental illness, low blood sugar, over tired, fatigue, so on so forth. It doesn’t mean anyone is receiving messages for crying out loud. If celebrities play off the whole Illuminati shtick it’s for attention and playing that role.
The real Illuminati existed in the 1700’s on a very minute level but according to many professionals does not exist anymore. If any “Secret Societies” exist it’s usually a thing at Ivy League Universities often coinciding with fraternities and sororities, and there’s not many of those anymore because of all of the out of hand antics, sexual assaults, and hazing deaths that went along with it. Anything beyond that are Conspiracy theories of no merit made up by mentally, emotionally, and or spiritually ill people or often addicted to mind altering narcotics that often need severe help. No one runs anything in that way. Life is not that complicated people unless you make it so.
Speaking of secret societies, in 2000 there was a fictional film surrounding the origins of the real University secret society known as “The Skulls and Bones.” This film entitled “The Skulls” followed a series for 4 years of The Skulls 2 and The Skulls 3. There’s been talk about a reboot but I think it should just be left the way it is. As for the the true life Skulls and Bones here’s a bit more information about the group compromised of Yale University students.