The Internet
There are 2 types on the internet and technology
- Those who use it solely for reputable professional, career, side hustles, or non harmful non intrusive hobby endeavors
and 2…the most annoying and disliked
Those who sit on it harass, follow people who don’t want to be followed by them, have nothing to do with them, monitor others they have a hatred towards, and otherwise nefarious predatory reasons.
These are the types that seem to put a great deal into becoming the most disliked annoying beings on the planet. They want people to hate them and put a great deal in to diligently so they can be the victim turned conquering hero in everything that they caused. It’s unfortunate but it is exactly why I don’t post anything personal. Too many psycho types out there that use the internet/tech for ill meaning or make it part of life it’s not let alone prey on/victimizing people. It’s a simple concept if you aren’t supporting people don’t hassle, stalk, or harass people. If you find yourself impeding on others lives in some way or trying to who didn’t do anything to you then you need to step offline and examine why are you so obsessed and clinging to people who have nothing to do with you? I don’t care if you formally abused them in some way or not that goes for anyone if you are annoying other people, intruding on others lives, taking over networks, impeding on anything having to do with the subjects of fixation, and causing other people to be uncomfortable with your presence then you are harassing those persons who usually have made it obvious they don’t want to be bothered like that. Those types need to check themselves in somewhere.
Rule of thumb when it comes to people like me if it isn’t professional or supportive I don’t want to hear it or have it coming at me. I’ve had more time wasted on jokers or posers on a power trip wasting time essentially than anything.