The Internet Personified
Courtesy of- Penguinz0
😄 As funny as this is that epitomizes the internet in a nutshell.
I’ve been having an a$$wipe using it to go at me daily over 10 years with lots of nuts along the way an imp here, an imp there, etc. I just figure block and that’s it the end not having some internet exchange when it’s simple just block and move on. Well unlike many they kept it on the thread which is funny — not like a lot of people do stalking people all over the freaking internet and tech acting like a psycho instead of just blocking and moving forward or keeping it on a thread. All arguments on the internet really are worthless, they are stupid. It’s a simple just block and take it for what it is… the internet. As one of the posters said there are people that just live their life to argue on the internet. Those who argue online have nothing better to do. I have to agree.
This is hilarious though. 😄