The Issue of Hexing
Being I am a Christian Jew I like any faith based person have had numerous run ins with beings that attempted to place a hex it can be attested that type of negative insidiousness that was put out did come back 10 fold. Everything about the throwers are gone mentally, financially, emotionally, everything. When you place that kind of malevolence into the world and directed at people who didn’t do anything in the wrong there are consequences for it ESPECIALLY for a faith-based person who lives it. Even stated by the practitioner speaking of the issue when attempting to invoke a hex for obviously ill onto innocent people you’re really hexing and cursing yourself because it can’t affect a person of Jewish or Christian belief. A Christian or Jew can be oppressed if knowingly participating in that kind of activity but can’t be possessed by anything nor affected by hexes or curses. Those of us with Indigenous, African, Caribbean, Latin, etc roots who don’t subscribe to witchcraft we don’t mess with or dabble in it because we are well aware it potentially opens a destructive door to your life you may not be able to shut.
As he said “Sometimes the problem is you” not the person those who practice that deem to inflict harm are directing their malice and hate towards.
Courtesy of- Cresent City Conjure
Courtesy of- VICE
Courtesy of- VICE
Courtesy of- Nat Geo Explorers