The Long Way Home: The Israeli Palestinian Conflict
The last couple of days have brought further heart wrenching conflict involving Israel and Palestine. The horrible violence that has been occurring based on nothing more than land ownership. Human life weighing on land rights… think about that. Isn’t human life more valuable than this? How many people have been murdered in this bloody conflict? Men, Women, Children from both groups gone. Gal Gadot wrote a powerful statement rooted in humanity. And for the morons that didn’t even bother to read it this is what she said,
Credit- Gal Gadot Social Media
It is showing empathy for both nations you foolish morons that jump before thoroughly comprehending a 5 sentence maximum statement. Let us keep in mind Israel is the product of Refugees from the nightmarish Holocaust and let everyone also keep in mind to never ever become that which everyone has a responsibility to fight against, ethnic hatred, violence otherwise there will be another Holocaust towards either community. An eye for an eye leaves the world blind as Mahatma Gandhi once said. Valid justice coupled with accountability in times of injustice is one thing however obliteration, strife, and the greed of politicians is quite another. It is imperative in this era of violence and hatred let everyone at least attempt to weigh one another through the eyes of humanity. Let us consider documentaries such as ,The Long Way Home, covering violations such as the Holocaust and the like in order to never forget atrocities enacted — placing those Human Rights Violations in the context of what hopefully we wish to never become towards any group of people. We must remember it is not the people, it is the governments and poor leadership that is inflicting this upon the peoples thus encouraging animosity.
Credit- Multicom Entertainment
A couple of years ago I shared a social experiment created by a Youtuber of the name of ,Moe Zinkerbell, on Arab and Jewish relations. The results were powerful.
Credit- Moe Zinkerbell
Around a year later ADAL Tube conducted a similar impacting social experiment involving children.
Credit- ADAL Tube
Also, 2 years ago ,Jubilee, conducted a creators for change conversational piece between Israeli and Palestinian young people primarily. The concluding results were astounding.
Credit- Jubilee Media
I will close this posting with the 2003 Black Eyed Peas song titled “Where Is The Love”,
“People killing, people dying
Children hurt and you hear them crying
Can you practice what you preach?
And would you turn the other cheek?
Father, Father, Father help us
Send some guidance from above
Cause people got me, got me questioning
Where is the love (Love.)”
Credit- Black Eyed Peas
Signed A Christian Jew