The More
The more you address any egomaniacal nut that’s pretty much all over the place the more they’ll dig at you, let them act like a nut and make up BS that’s all they’ll ever be known as. Seems to be all those types do or know how to do. They’re not terribly bright and not terrible anything worth looking at, mentioning, reading about or anything else nothing more than pawn using of usually the most vulnerable people low grade trashiness. Just figure especially at their advanced ages they’ll probably be face down soon and one thing can be said there ain’t NOTHING stable about them. Piteous and low enough to grasp at straws using anything and or anyone they can in desperate hopes to become something they’re making a fool of themselves trying to be and moving all the wrong ways in doing so. A clown and joker mentality basically. I don’t glorify beings like that I think they’re sick and psychopathic who honestly need to be committed not given any type of platform they really didn’t earn nor deserve whatsoever. God doesn’t bless Jezebel self indulged ugly that’s for sure. ::Shrugs::