The Music Industry Darkest Secret…That Isn’t A Secret
Having posted on this before. This wasn’t and isn’t a secret but anyone who has been in it, pursued it, or had brushes with it are conscientious of how it is operated more often than not and how dirty a system it is. A Youtube Creator that goes by the moniker Barely Sociable is creating a series of how warped and detrimental that machine is. The creator contextualizes the stats on the mortality rates and the greasy heads which operate it. The music business is a dark grimy realm. It’s full of crime, illicit activity, backdoor deals, etc. Ergo why a Christian can’t be in it. We don’t belong in it not as is.
Courtesy of- Sociable Barely
An ugly realm full of ugly people and beings you don’t want to be in the same room as for the most part. Ergo this is why young people want to tear that system down and why non mainstream is becoming the paramount. Aside from this, it is why the talent is either in Indie, Theater, Musicals, etc and why the mainstream by and large is not rooted in artistry it’s rooted in image and those they can manipulate. It has nearly always been wielded in these methods. Organized crime has always operated or been entangled in that realm… since the 1920’s especially. It’s a dirty world full of dirty types. The expose’ delves into where the whole Illuminati conspiracy theory comes from the “Making a deal with the devil.” That world has always been mafia operated. That is why I have always spoken on never ever grant credence to anything from those types particularly money because they’re going to want something in return. Don’t even interact with them. It is no place for decent wholesome people, they have their world, wholesome people have ours.
Courtesy- Slightly Sociable
The kicker is as exposed in the clip is the major Record Companies call the shots over the entire industry IE the example of if an Indie band is in the same space as an act with a large audience the RC will quite actually demand Spotify remove the Indie band or artist’s music. They purposefully stand in artists way… that is why the mainstream the world sees the repeated 5 to 10 acts in the media because the record companies and powers that be will not allow anyone else in the forefront who is not signed to them or anyone. They’re control freaks, their acts aren’t the sole ones owned by them but everyone and thing else in the sector practically.