The New World
The unfortunate new operational enterprise of Valentines Day. Intellectually, Spiritually, Characteristically, Physically, and everything else low rank females (willing) receive the flowers, chocolates, candy, perks, etc.
Indestructible that have never asked for anything more than basic respect Women like myself receive? Vibrator offers in our emails… WHAT THE HELL IS IT ABOUT CRAPPING ON DECENT QUALITY WOMEN OF FAITH in our world? It’s not only about Valentines Day it’s overall. When did the world get flipped upside down that quality Women are mishandled and placed on some of the most debasing levels society has to offer meanwhile the most rank and ignorant are placed in worldly positions and applauded? When did that become a part of accepted civil society anywhere? Does the world hate and loathe Women with morals, esteem, dignity, or any real prestige that much that it has the need to demean us at every turn while what used to be thought of as trashy is praised and placed above us? I mean the absolute filth I’ve been put through or had come at not solely myself numerous stories from young Women of like mind who have had similar experiences. Let alone innocent Girls.
Whether anyone agrees with her or not Jaguar Wright did have a point in a video I saw posted about the Grand Theft Auto Complex of the reasoning behind some of the behaviors and warped moralities we see. Players would receive points for hurting Women, Girls, the Elderly, and anything to break the law. If people had told me as a kid “When you’re barely legally grown you are going to have predator after predator come at you gender regardless several of which are brainless and dressed themselves in the dark, they’re going to demean you to the furthest realms by the way they’re not going to go to jail matter of fact they’ll spend years trying to silence, sexually harass, and stalk you at ever turn, after that they’re going to be rewarded for it, AND granted a pseudo career even though they far from deserved it. Meanwhile you’re going to be humiliated, treated like crap, and scrap for even the most basic respects and necessities and by the way you can forget about being a dancer, singer, high level model or anything else like that because they’re not only going to attempt to ruin your chances but will also blackball, spread defamation, harass, or have you harassed also at every turn.” If someone would have told me that I would have figured they were entirely lolo. Our world truly does hate Women and Girls of purpose. I really sense the World we live in now is out to destroy us, the data shows it alone. The numbers of Human Rights Crimes committed against Women and Girls primarily of color is astronomical.
Courtesy of- World Health Orginization
Courtesy of- Storm Monroe
Courtesy of- UN Women Australia