The Problem With Ignorance
Ignorant beings always come to ignorant conclusions. Ignorance and paranoia is a bad amalgam. Whacky beings who do whacky acts come to whacky conclusions about people and things that aren’t valid honestly. People and the world aren’t that complicated really. Some beings act like a fruitcake and create a BS scene, some don’t that is all there is to life nothing larger to it than that. You can’t even begin to understand or comprehend whacky warped beings who are often brain damaged or just of minor intellect when the rubber hits the road. When you find yourself picking apart everything someone or people do or say that’s got nothing to do with anything you have problems. Take it from me someone who has dealt with more off the wall scenarios and beings than most probably — BS is just that BS. There’s just nonsense beings in this world who create BS for excitement and to make life more dramatic than it is. They can’t live a healthy life they have to have some BS going on, that’s all there is to it. Then there are healthy normal people who don’t want to live that way or look at life like that. Best way to avoid being drawn into craziness is to walk away from it.