The Problem With The Internet #EndHarassment
Having spoken with the FBI this past week with a mountain of valid harassment etc ranging from A to Z grade abnormalities and disconcerting bizarreness over the length of many years, the discussion came about that unfortunately many people go through the exact same thing especially if they’ve been doxed not just once but twice that everyone and their Mother jumps onboard to hassle/harass. Mesh that with the low grade internet mentality and it’s a nightmare. Girls and Women especially. The internet has made people into insidious creatures honestly that think they can enact all this criminal activity towards people who they usually don’t even know or had some sort of encounter with — with no accountability or respect for others whatsoever. When actuality is it is very much a criminal or civil problem. The internet has opened Pandora’s box of nightmare fuel and takes harassment to a whole other level. I mean when you’re sending harassing things to people in order to dig at them, texting people weird crap like how you got their number in the first place, spreading false defamation, calling people harassing them, on others emails, private messages, hacking things belonging to other people, posting things specifically to get under others skin to harass them when they don’t want to be harassed, and anything other than what isn’t your ownership you need to check yourself of what is lacking in you to want to do any of that? Because when you do that there is nothing normal or healthy about those who do. When someone tells you to leave them alone point blank directly or indirectly it means leave them alone not keep hassling them because chances are they’ve nothing to do with you. As I’ve said numerous times if it isn’t career related, has no redeeming value, support related, or nothing else do not be sending me anything, lurking, trying to get at me, shoving crap in my face, bothering my family, friends, colleagues, coming at me then posting crap to get at me, having any willing as any faith based text refers to them as wh__res bother me, or anything else. I’ll have a warrant put out and have those parties arrested. Do not send anyone to harass, monitor, or lurk on me. I’ve been harassed and validly lawfully documented stalked for over 10 years I’m not putting up with it. Leave me alone I’ve said it umpteen times. Do not get in my face like that or waste my time. Those beings need serious help mentally, spiritually, and everything else. They’re not healthy or normal whatsoever. It’s amoral, wrong, and needs serious therapy for. Piss off and go away really go lurk and harass someone else I’m not it. Leave me alone period.