The Re Re Defense
I’ve written on this before but when it comes to criminality especially towards people there is a defense known among criminals dubbed the ,retardo defense, or as I like to put it the Re Re Defense. What the Re Re defense is basically when usual a violent or deviant criminal is either on trial or inevitable legal accountability they feign something mentally and or physically disabled about them. People in my line of work have seen it with pedophiles, rapists, murderers, sex traffickers, deviants of varying degrees, etc. One of the most known was a child rapist that would then murder their prey in the 1990’s. He came into court playing with crayons, drooling, and acting disabled but as soon as trial was over for the day or on break he would be laughing it up with his attorney completely pulled together, serial perpetrators same thing when out with the GP in prison they’ll be completely healthy mentally, physically, etc as can be. Criminals are liars that will feign and manipulate whatever they have to in order not to be held accountable for something or given a lesser charge. It’s a sad last grasp at straws. Many of them are narcopathic, psychopathic, sociopathic, chronic liars, etc etc. That’s how they’ve always been. They think it makes them untouchable when it doesn’t they’re master manipulators. Many of criminals are much more cognitive than they let on, they’ve just learned how to manipulate the system and manipulate their way through existing. ::Shugs::