The Receiving
The receiving of illicit porno creep accounts as Penguinez0 put it, It’s “Like Elmer Fudd trying to set a trap for Bugs Bunny” followed by hitting certain stories, etc they think appertains to something it doesn’t. I quite factually was re-posting a NowThis news clip of the President speaking on prices in America, inflation, etc and here comes some barging in graphic porno creep accounts I receive constantly creating an issue. I’ve jested before I could be posting the word “is” or about the eating habits of fire ants and yet some fruitcake out there would create an issue out of it. I had to kick some creep account off my Instagram yesterday because they began trawling through dance class video clips picking at God only knows. I’m a dancer I’ve been a dancer since I was a kid it is not a present occurrence. It’s a dance class okay nothing more. What it is, it’s hassle-ment to waste my talents and life on purpose. It’s to sabotage and cause a problem to hold me up from doing anything I’m professionally capable and deserving of. Example a couple of years ago I took part in an online Fashion Show weekly and you would have thought WWIII was being waged. The harassment and hasslement was incessant (provable) but that was nothing out of the ordinary. In fact anytime I have something going on in life I actually like doing it’s like that. As well as when I was granted a scholarship for a Summer Intensive Dance Program last Summer in which the people I was trained by heard or saw what was taking place.
It’s been that for the past decade or more. All of it was done on purpose. The perp all the way to the imps. In fact the perp would openly post “We must stop them” right before I would have anything as simple as a class or an audition, then proceed to monitor it especially if it was online (also provable) followed by a barrage of harassment, hacking, and Cyber Stalking (documented into law the past decade and provable.) Simply put that fugly troll predator and theirs in all regards are envious as can be of me and have been because aside from I’m everything they are not they are really nothing and have nothing as they are an overgrown con artist fruitcake that needs to be in a facility. That is why they would mimic and grandstand on everything I was saying or doing (provable) it’s been a pattern of that ever since. Their imps online of course followed suit. They need to point the finger at themselves for having such a lacking nothing existence not me or anyone else, they did it to themselves.
As far the other problems that latched upon making the mistake of reaching out for assistance as law wouldn’t do their job in hopes to get rid of the provable psycho to a group of now problems stemmed from all so the psycho would leave me alone, because I was under the impression the group were well informed decent people — that aside it seems like they’re the only ones that can have anything. A decent quality professional person can’t be supportive, professional, or nice to them as a decent pulled together person because those types often have a dog mentality that run with other dogs that support that warped toxicity “I’m gonna get mine and step on everyone else.” Those types seem to stifle people who aren’t impressed nor enamored by the glitter-dome also on purpose, it seems. Typically in that sphere if you’re a Woman that isn’t about any of that nor chasing anyone they’re going to create a problem with you. Those types often forget they are no different than anyone else or above anyone else. If you’re an ill mannered unprofessional rude horses a$$ to decent people who won’t go to bed with them for clout or anything else you’re a an ill manner half raised jack a$$ to people and need to be told. They can correct me if I’m wrong as there is a contact tab real professionals use for professional reasons. Then some Karen/Daren types who need to be in a facility too came along and began mimicking my serial issue verbatim all for attention (provable) with their smear/harassment campaign which is provable as all imps with no real life do.
The point is I’m beyond sick of being hassled, harassed, and having some rancid crap come at me everyday about something I’m not. Honey, aside from I’m a child of the God of Abraham, I grew up on the music and artistry of Prince, Mariah Carey, etc attended private shows at Paisley Park twice. I came from Musicians, Entertainers, Artists, etc. Grew up a well trained classically trained dancer. I’m not that impressed therefore those beings need to grow a pair come out with it, pull their heads out of their back-end.. and their rudimentary but think they’re really something Jezebels need to shut up and leave me alone too. Grow a brain and get an education, you sound delayed on purpose to be entirely blunt. Money can’t buy class, intelligence, or anything else. So what Hitler had money? Money means nothing. I grew up around and have worked with fellow intelligent, strong, decent Black and Brown sisters none of that is it. That whole mindset and the way such conduct yourselves is a disgrace to Brown and Black Women. Obtain some psychiatric evaluation and cease giving me a hard time about something I’ve nothing to do with pertaining to some males I don’t know. I am better than that always have been. It’s an insult really. None of those type of issues from the serial perp I’ve been outspoken of all the way to the latter are not what the likes of Dr. King had in mind for Black and Brown America, nor Malcolm X, therefore grow a brain, sit down and shut up. If you have something to say and something in your craw there is a contact tab but this hassle-ment, jack a$$ery is going to cease end of story. For all of the lurking, jack a$$ery they could have been doing something positive professionally based involving the subject IE me instead of the negative trolling ahole-ery. Aforesaid it isn’t me with the problem. And that piece of filth from Oakland that exploited, has serial stalked, and severely harassed me for over a decade is going to federal prison. That perp is going to be put away from the public permanently for what he did to me if anyone else wants to join they can too.