Voicing Freedom
2 min readJun 3, 2020

The Revolution #BlackoutTuesday

Has begun against not only Police Brutality imposed upon by violent corrupt Police but also inaction and utter passivity when it comes to violence against Black, Brown, and Golden (I like the sound of it more than Yellow but that’s just my take) people. This includes Women, Girls, 2 Spirit, and LGTBQ as a whole.

“In my dream I hear the echoes of the recent battle, yeah

Lost and wounded as the phoenix flies begin to settle for the night

But the words you use to hurt me now

Only seem to make me jump off some how

Oh a revolution is now

Together we can fight this feeling

And the demons that stalk us will eventually turn to dust

Together we can start this healing.” Fefe Dobson Revolution Song

It must be stated that any violence against people of color and the marginalized such as sex trafficking is keeping abuses such as racism alive because aside from the sex trade itself is heavily based on colorism and race the apparent Human Rights violation is perpetuating the continued rape for profit by often White and or privileged male buyers. What else does that keep alive which should have died on American soil in 1865? The institution of Slavery, end of discussion. Placing commodification and commercial sexual exploitation upon Black, Brown, and Golden bodies has been one of the worst atrocities that also ties into the justice system as well as police brutalities America has ever seen. That and genocide as well as femicide of minority Girls, Women, and Transgender especially. Neither Human Rights affront is more repugnant than the other. Therefore if individuals are not for us as Survivor Leaders and for those fighting to cease violent crimes against the Girls, Women, and Transgender of the communities but yet are “for” Black Lives Matter then those who are aren’t for 1 can’t truly be for the other, not entirely. That raises the question “Well then who are you for really? Are you part of the problem or solution? Are you here for yourself or for others?”

The revolution indeed is being televised at last!

Voicing Freedom
Voicing Freedom

Written by Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince

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