The Saying Goes
There is a saying that goes about impersonator, poser, and trollish types we indeed are NOT cut from the same cloth. We are nothing alike. They can copy and mimic everyday all day doesn’t make them anything close to the people they mimic IE me. The difference between such kind is this
Clout Chasers: Wants to be liked and in with the in crowd perilously even being/appearing stupid to do so. Mimics those who are everything they aren’t, never will be, never have been. Showing their back end trying to get attention of those on a higher social scale if you will. IE Slinking about brown nosing trying to receive some sort of validation wanting to be a cool kid as the saying used to go so badly they don’t even know who they are.
People like myself towards the upper social status and always have been: You mutha’s better not step in my way, disrespect me ever, and tell your Jezebels don’t even think about trying it with me. You better move and get out the way. And quit acting stupid when/if you are acting dumb. Didn’t your Mothers teach you anything?” 😄
My kind are about like how Comedian Rexx Garvin spoke about Black Comedians being placed in a white club. How the hypothetical energy and frequency is entirely different naturally not contrived whatsoever. We are just ourselves always been not trying to pull or do any snake anything. That’s also a difference. The kind I stem from we don’t care what anyone thinks about us never have. 🤷🏽♀️ For reference that I have reposted before this is the interview.
Courtesy of- Comedy Hype
Ergo people like myself are not the same as posers, mimickers, and trollish wannabe aholes. We are not the same kind or cut from the same cloth whatsoever. There was a meme the other day that I re-posted on Instagram that read something like “They can copy you but will never have your sauce.” Beings really do need to get their own style, own lives, own selves, etc instead of copying what they think will grab attention at others expense generally by mimicking or mockery.