The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde
So what lessons can be pulled from ,The Strange Case of Dr.Jekyll Mr.Hyde? I mean if you think about it the character wasn’t so bad in the beginning in his experiments but then it took on a life of it’s own, it went far off into left field to Fun- and-Games territory such has a tendency to, as in the natural actual world life isn’t a game nor meant to be played. His character became like mania on uppers in his Hyde state. That placed to the side it was an artistic examination of human duality and or human nature.
Number one: You can’t play God. Trying to play God has monstrous outcomes.
2: You can’t fall in love with a textbook Jezebel of any gender in which that is their job is to lead the subject on . Asking them for “Undivided loyalty” from anyone like that of any gender is like expecting a viper not to carry venom. They’re not going to be ultimately because that is what a Jezebel is and does. A Jezebel of any gender is going to be a Jezebel essentially.
3: What winds up occurring when playing those kind of games with God’s natural law is it eventually takes on a whole life of it’s own and will consume the players life.
4: Being mischievous is like feeding any sin nature, it can get to a point it takes over the individual’s whole personality and behavior because it’s the dopamine fix. You feed whatever sin nature of someone enough they become that.
5: It was exploring the 2 sides many people have or could have if it was brought out of them enough therefore why balance in life is important. In extreme cases ever heard individuals say “I am both evil and good” or “I’m both an angel and a devil?” They typically mean it, sometimes they have mental issues, emotional issues, and or just spiritual issues.
6: It’s a strong commentary on addiction IE the potion. Each time or after awhile it takes more and more to get the same fix as the initial dosage of the substance or drink thus leads to a downward spiral.
7: Don’t play with a loose cannon because a loose cannon doesn’t have an end point. A loose cannon isn’t to be toyed with basically.