Youths of The Resistance
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I wanted to add this into the post of Holocaust Remembrance Day but their story of courage like many others that were part of the resistance of WWII it is one that needs to stand on it’s own as with really any Holocaust Survivors or those who’s lives were removed from this world. It is the story of the courageous Dutch sisters who started their positions in the resistance during WWII when they were only teenagers of 14, 15, and 19. Respects to them, their resolve, and valor as the youths of the resistance were. The stories that have surfaced over the years are commendable and they are due much more recognition than they frequently receive or rather don’t receive .
Courtesy of- BBC Visual and Data Journalism Reel
The bravado and bravery the youths of the Resistance showed it is something that is scarce in the world. Whether we are addressing the Grey Ranks, The White Rose, the Partisans, the Nancy Wakes, the Noor Khan’s, the Journal Keepers detailing the crimes Nazi’s were perpetrating, and so on these youths truly were amazing- they were not silenced ultimately. Their voices and stories have lived on. These were just kids but they made a lasting impact and more often than not lost their lives at the hands of their tormentors. It always seems to be the youths who rise up against injustice and repression in the world. It is an extraordinary testament to the human spirit and the will to do what is right in the face of sin, evil, and treacherousness. It really is stark self introspective catalyst for many people “Could I have done that or could I ever do that if need be? And at their ages with the threat of death in my face? To as scripture reads lay my life down for my friends, my country, my people, beliefs, for what is right?” In a world full of self absorption and superficiality the stories of these young people reminds us all what being human and living really is.
“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13