The Voice Of Reason
It’s funny in a way when not only you’re a believer that lives it, doesn’t pull any punches about anything, and a survivor leader you inadvertently become the voice and Mother of reason in pretty much any situation regardless of age or regardless of the fact you don’t have Children other than the ones you provide services to. It’s like this recount Pastor Jesse Duplantis spoke on once. Duplantis was essentially a hell raiser and worked in the music business in the 70's. By his own account he did it all, narcotics, alcoholic, female chasing whatever. He told the story of how one time his Mother who was a Cajun Christian Woman from New Orleans — she called a dank bar he and his band mates were in where all kinds of debauchery was going on as usual as soon as he picked up the phone she rightfully laid into him with an essential “Boy you better get up outta that hell hole with that cross eyed drummer and those nasty females. You’re going to burn in hell if you don’t get your life right.” 😄
Point is when we become survivor leaders especially of faith that becomes part of our role in life, the voice of Motherly reason not only in our communities but as whole people who come across us, vise the versa, or dealing with in any form. Mainly because they know we’re right and don’t sugar coat anything. ::Shrugs::
Actually here is the specific story