The World Context

Voicing Freedom
3 min readOct 30, 2021


When you’re a born again believer who lives it if one of us always seems to have conflict or problems when it comes to the secular world there’s a reason for that. As the scripture states “How can 2 walk together unless they agree?” The answer is we can’t of course the world isn’t going to like us entirely or their courtesy only extends but so far because we are not of them, if you’re a born again believer and you fit in entirely doing the same things they are, compromising yourself, beliefs, etc in the world then chances are you aren’t right with God. We’re not going to fit into the world that’s why many of us have problems in a secular worldly context because we’re not of them nor called to be. If you’re acting like and everything about you is just like the world then there is something very wrong spiritually. When I was a kid and even until recent years I’ve pondered “Why do I have these off the wall psycho experiences with dark abnormal undertones to it?” The reason was when you walk with wolves in sheeps clothing if not straight up demons they can sense who you are in Christ and they’re inherently going to hate who a born again stands for ultimately, without having to say a word let alone if we’re out spoken of what we are they pick up on who’s we are. Therefore the darkness, evil, or just demon in them picks up you remind them of what God cast out of heaven due to Lucifer (who they essentially serve) wanted to trump God. Therefore right there there’s a problem. You can’t be unequally yoked in any way with people. Conversely things flow smoothly for believers when around Godly righteous non wolves in sheep’s clothing healthy people because simply we’re of the same kind spiritually. Even in a basic worldly context take out darkness or evil one of us isn’t going to be accepted/respected in our standings or beliefs because we are not that. Birds of a feather flock together besides why would one of us want to anyhow? That sphere corrupts and destroys in the end. For example look at the majority of faith-based artists that were either on the cusp of crossing over into the secular or did cross over it didn’t take long before compromise or chaos erupted in their lives… and that elements is even worse now I would say it’s near impossible to be in it at all as a sold out believer and it not affect you it’s so full of depravity in one form or another. At the end of the day demons are going to walk together we can’t entirely be in the same space because one of us would have to go eventually or something would have to change in them towards God therefore that is why you see secular acts leave that world once they get there lives right with God. You can’t thrive in it otherwise. ::Shrugs:: Actually one of the last Fashion Week Shows I was in I spoke with a very talented accomplished Jewish young lady about that as to why she had such a hard time coming up and such in the world while others who were of a certain mentality with 1/2 the talent if that did let alone experience. I told her straight up “You’re one of the chosen people of God. One of us aren’t going to fit in.” Of course people like myself are Christian Jews so right there there is going to be a problem in that realm either way.

You have to go with who’s you are otherwise nothing there but compromise, darkness, contention, and misery. Most often a believer doesn’t thrive in it rather we either leave or die in it.



Voicing Freedom
Voicing Freedom

Written by Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince