There Are

Voicing Freedom
3 min readNov 21, 2021


There are beings in life that will steak out the social media of people 24/7 constantly. You block one account they’ll either create another OR have some troll loser online do it for them. If anything is open to the public they will do something to it or with it because they have nothing in their existence but to sit online and steak out everyone’s lives, goings on, what they think is going on by what they have made up in their mind, etc etc. They’re basically a pest gnat ignorant imp and have nothing better to do, they have nothing in their pathetic existences but that which is why they haven’t accomplished much because of their honing in on others and attempting to interfere and hassle others. The internet is the only thing they have when everything is said and done. ::Shrugs:: It’s pathetic, often leftovers from gamer gate that never matured nor grew up in life that and or flamers from the message board days before social media began thus that has been their life for the past 20 years when the internet began to gain popularity in the mainstream of society. They’ve wasted their entire existences sitting online messing with people. 10, 15, 20 years ago people like myself were training, performing, in grade school studying, dealing with life, having a real social life of some sort, etc etc never had time to go online even if social media had been about then like it is now, given my schedule I probably wouldn’t have used it. The point I’m making is when it comes to online and having those kind of problems to look at it in a broad sense that is what you’re having problems from, basically losers who sit online, do next to nothing in life and have been on repeat in their lives day after day for 10, 15, 20 years that is the only thing they have done when the rubber hits the road because nothing will waste time and life more than the internet. Their lives and selves never really go anywhere they just spin their wheels. It puts things into a frame of reference of not being sucked into that BS and melodramatics of the internet. It’s refresher that it indeed it is a resource a tool nothing more, but too many make it as something it’s just not and thus make people on it more than they are to them in some form or another. It’s not reality basically. It’s like an old friend of mine and I used to speak about these kind of issues, you figure if people minded their own business for one 85% of the world’s problems wouldn’t exist and the other think of the time it takes to be online messing with people/doing that kind of imp BS, they’re wasting everyone’s time including theirs hassling people because they have no purpose really but that. That is why when you see these type of beings their appearances often aren’t far removed from what is expected of those kind of problems because the internet is their life from the moment they get up until they go to sleep if they ever indeed even sleep. They don’t live or have a actual life. The internet is their life and has been for probably 20 years or more. As where people like myself post and don’t think about it anymore go do the usual real life stuff but to imps online that’s their entire existence. Everyone on social media would serve themselves to just stay in their lanes, only pay attention to that which is something they’re in line with, or something that betters human kind other than that it’s just BS that wastes everyone’s lives. That’s why I actually had to post a clear description many of you have probably read before of:

If it’s not life or world enhancing

Career related


Uplifting in any way

I don’t want anything else or less coming at me in any form because I was receiving so much BS stemming from social media coming at me for years that had nothing to do with anything I’m obviously about, into, or life goal related. If it has 0 to do with any of those things I’ve said before I don’t care, anything less wastes time. ::Shrugs::



Voicing Freedom
Voicing Freedom

Written by Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince