These are the things that are owed a legally b__ slap or at least cursed out to to the point of complete demolished level to be completely blunt:
- Any maltreatment of a disabled person
- Any maltreatment of Girl or Woman (marginalized and or minority especially)
- Abuse of a elderly person
- Abuse of a child
- Abuse of any kind of an animal
- Bullying
- Narcissism
- Karens and their male counter parts
- Liars
People would be surprised how quick our world would shift for the better if this were allowed because these types think they’re entitled to specialized treatment and honestly those types need to be shown they’re not owed anything or special anything. Cursing out, put in their place in some verbal way of course is legal but only time physical anything is valid is in total self defense in America however in other countries some of them allow for what honestly needs to happen with those types. In some countries partially because their prisons are so over run if someone sexually assaults a child or Woman authorities just shoot them particularly in areas where heinous attacks on Girls and Women is at epidemic levels…and honestly sometimes that’s probably the best thing for predators born with psychopathic predatory tendencies just put them out of their misery for both the public and themselves if there aren’t any other options to put them away somewhere. Those brand of criminals aren’t rehabilitation material they were born that way in the sense of very few if any think they need serious help. I have spoke on all of those who horrendously raped a young college Girl in India were all executed I’m pretty certain. She became known to the world as “India’s Daughter” in 2012. She was so brutally attacked by a group of males the assailants disemboweled her thus she passed away about a week later after succumbing to her injuries. There was actually a documentary by the same name. Her horrific death wasn’t in vain it sparked an outcry and movement against the literal epidemic of rape and vast sexual assaults towards India’s Girls and Women. Actually I’ll post it in my next story. Point is those type of narcopathic, psychopathic offenders have no remorse, they have no conscience, they’re predator and lack much human anything thus are a danger to the public so just put them out of their misery honestly. ::Shrugs::