This is quite an account but not at all unheard of unfortunately. That is good it worked out in your favor. I must say going by the way you articulate, appearance, etc I can certainly gauge even online you were/aren't that, etc. A side note it is always funny to me how the most guilty parties are the ones to project their crimes onto someone else who isn't that at all what they are projecting but needless to say it often backfires. Absolutely in dealing with law especially when you aren't guilty always comply to the fullest extent that goes a long way because it shows you have nothing to hide. Like many people I've been in circumstances similar to this myself a couple of times by obviously severely warped types therefore what I did was actually contacted the police station myself told them who I was, what I did for a living, and offered anything that was pertinent needless to say the matter was dropped right then as it needed to be as well as hired an attorney to investigate the matter further. The lesson of that was there are types who need to be steered clear of in any sense to avoid being caught up in situations that aren't just.