This Is Why
Having had similar issues despite not knowing Men in that space like that exactly why I not only stay to myself, keep my social media as professional/activist geared as possible, but also why I don’t engage Men from that realm like that over it because that is the kind of insanity you will have to deal with otherwise. I’m going to be honest I’ve had folks in my DM’s before but it was more of a friend of a friend type thing, someone who worked with someone in the same realm but I will say they never came at me directly like that because I’m pretty standoffish in that way for a reason. I never wanted to be in that position of made into the “Internet h_”, “Instagram th_t”, “Internet Girlfriend”, or placed in that type of situation at all — that I was and still am an actual professional trained artist (classical dancer) then life experience made me into an activist, journalist, etc. I never opened my social media to be anything of the sort just network reputably nothing more. Strange how it became something entirely different and totally not what I ever desired to encounter. It’s unfortunate how people use it and what for.
I will say it’s not usually those who are actually involved with these Men from that realm that have been the worst towards me over the years, a slight mimic here and there that occurs for whatever reason that makes no logical sense but it’s been the wannabes or those on a lower scale that no one really knows who they are and or really doesn’t have any personal ties with them when all is said and done. Which is off the wall because they’re nowhere near these Men — but have made up something in their mind apparently they were something to them they just weren’t. Or trying to grasp at something that isn’t valid as it’s always a dangling carrot scenario in those situations, they’re just playing with and messing with them at most. Like I’ve said you don’t want to go that route in life as a professional Woman aside from you outgrow that type of drama that choice often brings. It just sucks the life out of a person. That environment inherently is a toxic place that really wastes a great deal of time, energy, and gifts when involved with it. You pretty much have to choose a career path or be whatever you are to them. You have to pick one career or relationship of sorts of drama. When the fur starts flying in those scenarios I just stay out of it because that’s just the world that it is and hell all I ever wanted to do was classically dance, model, entertain, sing, nothing more. Not get kudos of clout from anyone or climb some ladder of clout that leads to the land of unfulfilled nowhere of disappointment and a great deal of wasteful chaos. As far as all of that type of BS I’ve always said “Honestly I just want to be left alone to go do my thing in life. Not harassed constantly by either an old fugly psycho who had no business even bothering me or my life for over a decade, their online imps from hell, wannabe groupies of anyone, known self professed th_ts, or anything else.” ::Shrugs:: It just destroys anyone with human anything in them.