Voicing Freedom
2 min readOct 3, 2020

To Be A Person of Color

To be a person of color in this country especially is to be a radical. You almost have to be just to live and survive. We’ve seen that with the attitude and actions against people of color in this country both historically and presently. That is just a simple fact. For 500 years Indigenous in this country have been oppressed, same with Hispanic, the African slaves who were brought here against our will, and Roma as well that migrated here in America is the lesser of 2 evils. The truth of the matter is this country has been built off the backs of African slaves and the decimation of Indigenous peoples. Let us not also forget to mention Asian particularly the Chinese who were often utilized for laboring in the fields and railroading that the well to do white man thought they were too important to build their own railroad. Therefore it is no surprise America is still experiencing the biases, bigotry, and targeting of people of color in this country. We are always the scapegoat for anything and everything from COVID, to 9/11, to the “Indian problem”, and Black Americans all the way back to the days of slavery blamed and accused of any, every crime that can be thought of this is not to mention slavery in which slaves were perceived as property and animals that needed to be contained not to mention owned. The bigotry and biases in this country have always existed. The white believing they are above, in authority, and better than us when indeed they are not. In 2020 as Brown, Black, and Golden people we deserve equal rights and treatment. Not police brutality, Karen’s constantly f’ing with us calling on their white brother’s in law enforcement who as we’ve seen in 2020 still continually oppress us and even murder us at astounding rates. Shooting us in the backs, putting their knees in are neck, and literally suffocating us to the point we have to say “Stop I can’t breath” which we shouldn’t have to even say. Again that is why we say f the police and anyone like them or calls on them. It is a corrupt institution that targets Brown and Black lives for any and everything. That is why the Minnesota police department was dismantled because of it’s corruption and biases toward us. I had posted about this before there is documentary titled “13th” which covers the topic of how the prison system in America is inheritedly based on imprisoning Brown and Black people, Boys and Men especially but not limited to. They terrorize our communities and people on a constant basis.

Netflix Technology Blog

Very eye opening and powerful documentary and I encourage all to view it because the statistics and background will wake many people up who may not already be.

Voicing Freedom
Voicing Freedom

Written by Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince

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