My habitual song when it comes to people Men especially. The song played when you’re entirely unimpressed by anything in the world.
To quote my late Grandmother “I’m not impressed.” I’ve never been impressed by what the world is particularly in today’s world what is seen as impressive. I just don’t care honestly never have. I like people in general fine I just don’t like stupidity, conceited, obnoxious, bully, arrogance, attention seeking, and or hateful beings. Those are all pretty basic decent human being attributes. I’m impressed by decency and having emotional intelligence. I was 1/2 joking on my instagram how I couldn’t be a significant other of an Industry Man because for one they’d throw that narcissistic “Me big man you Woman” sh__ one time like a lot of them have in them and they’d be swinging from the branch of a tree and for 2 moron industry th_ts (or wannabes) would come at me, glance at me the wrong way, say the wrong thing, or come at the hypothetical Man one time and they’d be drug to coma level after being thrown in the tree with them — not that they’re typically terribly bright anyhow being it would be an improvement overall. I’m just brutally honest about it. I’m not that kind of Woman as said many times over the years. That is why typically I tell them to stay back because I don’t play that or at all. ::Shrugs:: I’ve probably metaphorically shot down more Men from that realm than can be counted over the years. lol I’m just not a th_t, hit it and quit it, airhead, none of that. That aside their th_ts will come after you as a Woman if you’re in that world and make the poor choice to get involved with them. As said if I’ve had it come at me countless times over Men I didn’t even interpersonal know then just think what the life of someone who actually is with them is like. I’d hate to be their wives, girlfriends, family, friends, etc. It would probably be constant much more than what people like myself have encountered several times. That is the honesty of it. Back to why career wise when it pertains to that realm I work, go to a show, party, event, etc go home. As a Woman you don’t want to get caught up in that world with the Men in it. When the putas start going at it or at me for whatnot reason I’m just like “Have at it. Good for freaking you.” I’m not about that at all never been. Let’s be real however if the putas who flip out about it going at each other really had a respectable place in the lives of these Men for one they would physically be with them not playing games on social media saying/portraying this that the other at most it’s often a webcam a$$’ed out call to put it less blunt than I’d like to, OnlyFans session, or something along those lines..and that’s not the norm unless there’s money exchange involved. Secondly the females wouldn’t be scrapping over it like animals and flexing so hard in make believe internet land as something they just are not in reality. That’s just a honest fact of actuality. ::Shrugs:: Like I always say keep it all away from me because I’ve 0 to do with that. I am better and above that it’s just a fact of life. ::Shrugs: