To State
To state what an old well plugged in friend spoke on about a serial predator and their psycho imps on tech why they continually seem to maneuver their way around meaningful accountability and also seem to receive this, that, and the other scraps, someone is protecting them.
Someone is paying someone off to keep such maniacal psychos in the public that need to be locked up big time… and I have a pretty good idea who that might be being the perp is not dead like most types like that would be had they done half the crap they have to people — not with the types they’ve been in their face.. seeming to anyway. Those type of problems sure don’t have the means to do so, the broke posers they are therefore they have someone/something in their pocket that vouches for them most likely. They usually are running something, involved in something, or some sort of illicit activity.
Criminals deal with other criminals. Dirt deals with dirt. I don’t find it any coincidence of any of the things I’ve encountered having those kind of problems and seeing the back/forth communication criminals do going on. I’m well aware of how the criminal realm, how it communicates, and operation of it. For example criminals won’t be on each others social media but anyone can see where they are aware of each other, enact the whole same hashtags, lingo, or subliminal posts, seems to be in the same area’s when the other is, shortly after, before, etc. It’s common for criminals. They give off the appearance they aren’t connected when really they are. If you see that kind of familiarity between beings that you don’t see directly speaking that is usually what it is.
I was relaying the 2 well known rappers that recently were popped for racketeering charges, I also have a notion who may have snitched on them to probably save their own back end as they’re not known to be loyal to anyone. They have a sideways untrustworthy cunning thing about them. I don’t think it’s any coincidence either when there was beef involved and just a little over a month ago the ex of one of them was gunned down either. That is how that world operates and eventually that world beings in it get got by each other. I came up all around it. They’re sidewinders they move as they say like sidewinders. There is no honor in it.