Trained to Cope
This was the I’m assuming unedited version of the “Stop Being A Snowflake” interview. In my interpretation of it when Dan Pena spoke of Religion not working there is a difference between Religion and Faith. Faith propels those who truly abide by it into their best self and life as where Religious dogma entirely holds back and controls into a comfort zone that those who follow it don’t wish to expand outside of the small bubble they’re in. Same with love, yes love protects and defends but what comes with real love is love also corrects, love pushes to be a better person morally, professionally, love is truthful, etc. The opposite of love isn’t always hate it’s indifference. If you’re around nothing but yes people that are indifferent in anything you do and enablers that is not love that’s toxicity and generally self interest enablement because it feeds the DIS-functions of the enabled and enablers. Misery has to have company. Not to mention those who do enable really want to see those they enable collapse. They’re really stealthy frienemies if even that. Therefore there is a difference between those 2 in my view point. Coming up I had a hard a$$ old school Russian/Czech/French Ballet Instructor that said to a Girl who had an attitude when they were corrected. The instructor once said, “If you’re being corrected when you do something wrong that is good. If you’re always ignored that means they don’t care if you’re there or not. Don’t waste my time or your time because I really don’t care if you’re here or not. I train those who want to be here. You can leave now if you want.”
Courtesy of- Motivation2Study
Very true. I heard another well known entrepreneur speak on if your parents are supporting you financially or to a fault otherwise essentially yet you sh__ on them behind their back like they should have done more and you’re over the age 22 then you need to reevaluate your perception of life.
Nobody in this life owes you anything, not your relations, not God, not even those who have wronged you or you felt wronged you, nothing. People don’t owe you nothing. What you do with your life is up to you. When you begin to look at life as you owe yourself that is when perceptions shift and life becomes a whole lot better in many respects. Never feel sorry for yourself or seek pity in life. You’ll spend making a metaphorical 40 year trip wandering around a metaphoric desert complaining in what would have otherwise taken a short amount of time. You have to stand on your own 2 feet sometime if not you’ll always be crippled, coddled, and or even pitied then that leads to bitterness, hate, envy, and strife. I’ve witnessed when handouts and leaching get’s old. It wears out it’s welcome with people pretty quickly. That is why I’ve never taken nothing from no one because for one I didn’t want to have to owe anyone.. I never wanted to be beholden to anyone and also to compromise who I am in the process OR have to hear if things worked out “If it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t even be here.” I wanted to be just the grace of God and myself. I don’t accept handouts for that reason never have. Helping and handouts are 2 different things by the way. There’s a difference, helping is just an opportunity offer that the offered will do the work a handout is something just thrown out carelessly whether or not the individual deserves it and or expecting something in return.