Triad Personality Disorder

Voicing Freedom
4 min readApr 15, 2021


The psychological term “Narcissist” is thrown around fairly loosely so much so many do not know the meaning. Many professionals also coin it as “Narcopathy” also what is traditionally known as the “Dark Triad Personality.” It’s the psychological personality trait that most serial killers, child molesters, rapists, malevolent criminals IE Pimps/traffickers often carry it, abusers, many bullies, or even trolls of any age or gender have it as well. This accounts for their ostentatious behavior towards others and entirely out of line unprovoked belittlement of others. These are the types in both the prison and psychological systems that are coined “Highly predatory.” These highly predatory individuals prey, manipulate, and bully those they deem as “weaker.” In prison they will often be placed in the section for other predatory criminals in mental facilities they are often highly monitored by staff and isolated somewhat based on their propensity to dominate over other patients. There was a character based on an actual person named ,Lisa, in the memoir turned film of “Girl Interrupted.” I’ve written of her before. She would domineer and attempt to intimidate those she viewed as beta in her perception. Honestly despite her textbook disturbing menacing behavior she really was to be pitied as eventually what happened to her as what happens to all narcopathic types in real life they eventually hit rock bottom.

Credit- Emedicine Health

The truth is regardless of their controlling power seeking behavior they really don’t have any power and that’s the only power fix they have is barking like a dog but having no bite at all when it comes down to it. This is why they can’t face anyone on any sort of civil normal level as there is nothing rational or civil about them. Thus they always have to be in control or attempt to have the upper hand by way of demeaning disrespectful abuse of some kind. They’re a tool basically gender regardless with a pathetic small existence in actuality. That’s why they try to play themselves up by trying to make others feel small as really they’re nothing but an underachiever and honestly put loser in life by their own doing to put it bluntly.


The chaos and power trips they create are usually out of boredom which narcissists are prone to or like prank level for fun. That is how they view their heinous activity towards others that are often highly criminal to them it’s like some kid pulling a sick prank at others expense. It’s the equivalent in the narcopath’s mind of the school bully who would trip kids in the lunchroom to make a scene. That is what makes them unpredictable and needing to be placed somewhere from the public. This is how they can enact criminality of any variety on others with no remorse whatsoever because to them it’s a flippant “I was just joking” mentality. The truth is narcissists have no conscience none, they don’t gauge the weight or consequences of criminal acts they’ve enacted at all because they’ve made this pretend world for themselves that has little to no basis in substance nor fact. I was writing on twitter narcissists are pretenders in life. There are no teeth to their puffing themselves up aside from they’re chronic liars everything they do, say, or place out about their so called life is a fake. It’s a facade that doesn’t have anything to it other than words. What generally happens to those kind in life if they don’t seek some kind of realization as to what they actually are and or counseling is they either end up in prison, they mess with the wrong ones, find themselves in criminally insane facility, or even dead by their own destructive doing. Should narcopath’s be feared? Absolutely not, they’re cowards who can’t face reality and they thrive off intimidating others in some way. Should you be aware and knowledgeable of their perverse warped ways? Absolutely, because they are disturbed and it’s very obvious they are. Never cower to them, never feel sympathy towards them, and never allow them to sniff out any perceived vulnerability at all because they’ll go for that. Their favorite picks of victims? The sick, elderly, the good, Godly for certain as they hate people of God typically, the small, and or the young. They’re predators there’s no question of it. However they’re the types if someone went “Boo” in their face they’d probably jump and start crying.. or rather fake crying as narcopath’s emotions are very glibly based and only used to manipulate. In short in life they often in the real world bite off a whole lot more than they can chew which is why they end up in no positions at all in life... at least not for long if at all. Basically narcopaths are overly arrogant imbeciles.



Voicing Freedom
Voicing Freedom

Written by Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince