I had said this the other day and it accidentally was deleted. It amazes me a textbook slime ball predator that everyone is aware they are that harasses people, stalks people, follows people, taunts people myself included that gets up in everyones face nobody will touch them not one. No one has ever reported them to law but me for prolonged stalking and harassment (provable) or knocked them out cold which is what they deserve at the very least. My guess is they are a slime bag slitherer they either have something on people OR people are afraid of their known criminal insanity and vindictiveness. Not a single man hardly that I know of has ever dealt with the slime ball. I’ve said to Men pre law becoming involved once again for valid reasons who by the way the perp was/is stalking and harassing as well “Do something for God sakes, what is wrong with you people aren’t you Men in any sense? Don’t you have Mother’s, Sisters, Wives, any decent Women in your lives? At the very least contact law enforcement on them.” Nothing. I think the most the perp was banned from a state and maybe got smacked around a bit at one point years ago on an unrelated issue that I know of but other than that for the predator they are, nothing. It amazes me unless people are just so afraid of such a narcopathic wicked imp. It’s like put them somewhere cease playing tit for tat games with them. Have them put somewhere or have them pulled off bills so they won’t believe themselves entitled and untouchable. I agree with Dan Pena about some things back in the day a Predator like that wouldn’t probably be allowed to get up after some Men handled them in some form or another metaphorically or literally but now everyone is such a punk when it comes to obvious predators. No wonder 1 in 3 Brown and Black Girls are sexually assaulted, exploited, etc and 1 in 6 Brown/Black Boys are also preyed on because predators like that are aware Men in our communities won’t do 1 thing about it matter of fact they often blame the victimized and take up for the predator… IE R Kelly. The Brown and Black Girls and young Women were shamed for years until society finally had its hand forced by overwhelming evidence. America especially has really raised a bunch of wimps when it comes to Men seriously. SMH