Twilight Moral
It has been nearly 13 years since the Twilight saga took the film industry and world by storm and 16 years since the first publication of Twilight was released. Apparently the swapped out perspective titled “Midnight Sun” was recently released having leftover fans curious as to if there will be another series of films. Honestly I don’t think there will be, it ran it’s course, producers would have to cast all new actors most likely, and the story has already been told. The popularity of the “Midnight Sun” publication hasn’t seemed to replicate the pop culture regard of the original as reviews such as in ,Entertainment Weekly, have not given it the best review. Albeit it did reach the Best Seller list of the New York Times within the first week it was shortly overtaken by other publications. The world being where it is now the premise film wise wouldn’t work anyway. The reason for that is we live in a Generation Equality, Me Too, Act Too, Empowerment of Girls era. That whole story line is essentially based on Edward or Jacob consistently having to save Bella. The only time her character showed any fortitude was in Eclipse when she cut herself to help save Edward from the psycho Vampire with a grudge Victoria. Edward’s character has been written on as being emotionally abusive, abandoning, manipulative, and Bella having to sacrifice her mortal soul for. The Quileute Wolves albeit in reality IS part of their sacred legends, that piece in a 2020’s context is problematic when set in the fantasy realm of a white female and studio heads. In the era of Black and Brown lives mattering it is problematic based on a tokenizing rationale and a white Woman capitalizing on the sanctity of Indigenous peoples of that particular tribe’s legend of how they came to be. In retrospect especially upon examining the basis of “New Moon” and thus Bella basically has a breakdown following Edward’s abrupt departure from her life early on in the tale, and vise the versa later on in the works where Edward attempts suicide over believing Bella has jumped off of a cliff ending her life. The reality of that aspect is no one should ever have that much control over you or your life. If someone does that it is entirely unhealthy. Bella basically bases her whole young life on being with Edward sacrificing everything instead of the relationship being an add on it instead subtracts. This in real life is no healthy relationship nor way to live. Having drama and insanity access to your life is not something to aspire for ESPECIALLY in a healthy relationship. I am saying this as someone who read the saga and viewed the films. The works however do make parallel akin points to remnants of real life such as begrudgement, vindictiveness, animosity between groups, good versus evil, Rosalie revealing her traumatic pre-vampire past in Eclipse which can speak as to the reality of survivors of sexual violence, those who can be of great help in atypical detrimental circumstances but also can be touch-and-go shall we say, devotion, trials, being reborn as someone or something that was meant to end you in which that can pertain to survivors of things like Human Trafficking, Stalking, Harassment as well, and so on. The cinematography was excellent I will say and honestly the acting wasn’t horrible for the most part but to attempt to replicate the same saga in a 2020’s world would most likely be a throwaway of money and time. It is best to let sleeping Vampires and Werewolves lie in my opinion. Personally the first 3 installments were enough by the time it got to the baby and imprinting by Jacob that was it. I honestly felt it should’ve ended sometime after the wedding and honeymoon just throw in the mortality shift somewhere in there the end. It had too much going on in it near the end. I did love the soundtrack and still do.