Typical Gremlin White Privilege
Upon searching on YouTube for Morocco etiquette as I was posting on it the other day I was met with an obese nauseating eye rolling ancient white male who I had run in with by proxy taking their white privileged time to yammer about “Morocco Etiquette” oddly enough upon an issue with the loser at life online “community” who frankly can screw themselves up and down that I’d never have anything to do with. All that = They need to sit their fat a$$ down and shut up.
Those types have no business on our land anyway period. Back to why I cringe at colonizers can’t stand nothing about them. Think they know more about places of the world than actual people of color that stem from or live there and thus elect themselves to try to tell others about/wannabe educate moron beings on it. All the Moroccans were like “WTH this joker saying?” Needless to say I blocked that account and asked YouTube never show me that crap in my feed again because they were wrong anyhow anything personally based aside. Like I said that whole clique can drop dead for all I care. Don’t want anything to do with them. Didn’t want to or expect see that 💩 that’s for sure. Block and next.