U.G.L.Y — The Internet
The things that probably wouldn’t be made today as from the ,Bring It On, Soundtrack.
Credit- Pop Unlimited
It’s pretty damning. Good old 2000’s Pop Culture. lol
Great to use towards abusive types to put them in their place especially the fugly none too swift immature ones in every way. I’ve done it before in my kid days. lol It was actually taken from a cheer as in what cheerleaders performed towards the opposing team.
To get philosophical a bit back in the day people weren’t so touchily offended by things as they are now. Pre-social media internet, it was a better world in many aspects I would say. Social media is just a beast from hell. As a kid I never thought I would ever have the problems I have had stemming from it not in a million years. Exploited by a black version of Charles Manson as a kid, went to court because of it, severely Sexually Harassed, Stalked, monitored in pretty much every respect, had money stolen credit card fraud many times, and Extremely Harassed by obviously psycho’s also from hell , dodging industry females left and right who think you’re trying to hook up with people you’re not in actuality — for well over a decade would make most want to never touch anything tech related again. Things were so bad from 2010 to 2013 when I got heavily into Human Rights vocation that was my nearly only outlet available to me because I was so horribly around the clocked harassed, vindictively law/court documented valid stalked, and essentially attempted to keep from continuing to move forward in life that was the only window of expression I had. That’s why I’ve been as protective of my online voice and rebuttal any BS attempting to silence it as what I have to say is entirely valid. You attack me in any way hell yeah I’m going to fight back and rebuttal it make no mistake. Not just garden variety trolls I ignore them but extensive being attacked and harassed hell yeah I’m gonna come back and fight that sh__ as I just want to be left alone from it. So I will say the internet gave me a valid voice against my perpetrator and the hell covering the numerous aspects that followed thereafter because of that perpetrator ultimately.
Like I’ve said that’s why I don’t network on it much anymore way too many lolo issues. That’s on a heavier note of the sinister side of the internet the positive is it can be used to do good to rebuttal that, self expression, getting reputable work out there, opinions, etc but anything further it’s just a pit of lolo-ness. Like I’ve said I don’t hook up on it, very little networking I pretty much have to know you in person, aware you’re 100% reputable, 100% mean well, 100% have noble resolve for me to even deal with you on a professional level forget a personal level and yes I do extensive backgrounds on people that I cross paths with for valid reasoning to know who they are, if they’re tied to anyone I’ve had problems from let alone my perpetrator, if they’re a deviant criminal, an insane individual, a con artist, etc because well it’s the internet you could be talking to or dealing with Bob from cell block 5 for what you know. I will say with COVID it’s been great in professional sectors but social media in and of itself can be a real hell hole.