Ugly Attracts Ugly
What can be said of a provable serial harassment problem that law both federally and locally are aware of having hundreds of thousands of valid reports on, 1 thing is obvious ugly attracts ugly. Anyone who deems to go to federal prison over it can go too. It’s not a game it’s not a joke it is real. The main problems they’re done, none of those parties or those involved with them better ever come near me or put their yap on me. Don’t sniff anywhere near me. They come near me I’m filing reports and pressing charges. The main problems lives are over but their arrogance they don’t seem to grasp that actuality. Beyond law I’m going to allow God, life, and their own actions to deal with them. They will wish they hadn’t ever enacted anything they have by the time they face the length of repercussions for their actions. They’re over in life. Those parties need to get off my social media, life and anything else leave me alone period. Have at it with their ugly ignorant loser at life selves. They can mirror and toxic grimacing “love” each other into federal prison or a facility where they need to be. They need to get the hell far away from me and mine. Those who support them they were looking for an excuse to have a problem. Shame decent people die or terminally ill in the world and nefarious creeps like I’ve been having problems from are allowed to breathe. SMH