Nearly 9,000 US troops will likely be deployed to Ukraine as Russia essentially runs over the country of Ukraine. Not only this but the Russian powers that be have been responsible for spreading antisemitic propaganda throughout the region hence it is of no shock to Humanitarians, Journalists, Political figures, nor those privy to Russia’s policies and politics against not only Jewish people but any minorities such as Roma, Activists, LGTBQ, Nations not in league with their agenda, and so on.
Courtesy of- The New York Times
As of recent developments Russia cited “retaliation” for this political movement of military forces.
Courtesy of- Military Times
Courtesy of- RFERL
It is of no marvel that Russia and China are allied countries because both heads of nations seek to rule the world quite factually. The below par leadership deem to suppress and reign over the world. The world is already well aware they tyrannize their own people or rather those who reside within their borders. They deem to be the proud possessors of the globe but that is totalitarianism in it’s calamitous essence. These leaders require God, prayer, and to grasp the novel idea of an account towards the well being of their people not their self interests that much goes without saying. Instead of destroying the people and nations how about cultivating something within their nations rather than deeming to conquer, create calamity, and polarization? How about construct their nations for the betterment of mankind rather than deeming to conquer sovereign nations? That is what a true leader does anything else is a godless lucifer gluttonous complex.