Voicing Freedom
3 min readMay 26, 2022

Unchecked Cognitive Function and The Internet

I was saying on on my social media if you encounter a problem that continues to follow you around in some form, harass, has repetitive thought processes and expressions, a handful of interests, resembles a sponge for whatever the subject of harassment especially does, says, or ideals, seems childish if not like a deviant impish 12 year old, doesn’t seem like they’re quite there intellectually or mentally, has fantasy if not delusional thinking you’re likely dealing with a problem with unchecked autism and weren’t raised. Many types that enact harassment, smear, and the like campaigns have either that, borderline, narcopathy, and or all of the above. Which is why people seem to feel sorry for, patronize, and placate to them because the harassed person defending themselves is deemed the issue of “Oh horrible you picking on an autistic person!” There are behavioral issues or not towards others that aren’t okay period. Plenty of people have issues like that and don’t harass people. The truth is instead of their lot coddling them they need to be on some “That person or persons wants to be left alone by you they’ve made it plain. You’re not a baby you’re an adult. You’re not being cute.” If they can’t seem to then they need to put them either in a facility or treatment.

Courtesy- Medical News

The most disagreeable instance of this is the Chris Chan internet saga that trolls online began supporting them until they were arrested for assaulting their parent. They had a whole following of their toxic, bluntly put bat crap, criminal, harmful behavior for craps and giggles all the while not gauging they were the real joke. Chris Chan harassed people including sexually, stalked people, followed people, smeared campaigned, annoyed people, began fights with people, threw tantrums in public places, and so on. There was an episode where they got into an altercation with someone that they had issues towards in the anime con scene that had Asperger’s, it was dubbed the “Re Re Wars” in that anime community… the altercation was at Walmart to make the true life story even more head shaking. Point being that is what exists on tech and the internet, whole sound decent people aren’t supported like the Chris Chan’s of the world because in the real world nobody of any soundness or anything else really interacts with them or notices them but the internet is such a harasser’s etc attention seeking playground. It’s a toxic place full of toxic warped beings that support if not get off on train wrecks. The internet will support a train wreck more than any whole quality professional people but then again that is all the train-wreck types have likes, views, comments, and attention they don’t have anything else in reality. Chris Chan had to live with their dementia Mother they nickled and dimed to no final extent, couldn’t keep a job because of their behavior, I think was subsidized by the state claiming disability, only went to cons to cause problems, and of course sat online/tech harassing people.. especially those who rejected them.

Voicing Freedom
Voicing Freedom

Written by Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince