Upon “Nothings” Becoming Somethings Ergo Disrespectful Obnoxiousness Can Occur
I spoke on this in the Bling Empire post a bit. Instead of insecure issues valuing themselves as are the way God sees them they overcompensate and throw out airs that the world operates by. To be unabashed from the carnal scope the problem when by the world’s outlook are “nothings” who were usually raised to be narcissistic and to be impressed by status/things become “something” by the world’s standards they often (not always) become obnoxious, annoying, and trying to prove a point all the while they are making people seriously dislike them because they’re obnoxious to the point of disrespect and behave like they’re the sole ones to be part of anything of the upper status of society. Those types are overly competitive to the extent of irritating, in-your-face, and ill-mannered. Aside from my people I’ve been affiliated with in my work and proud to have in my world have been recognized/awarded by royalty for their work to better the world. Aforesaid my blood people in my lines were royalty/standings several times over their kind want to be… there’s a difference. Back in the day they referred to that mentality as “new money.” It means trying to make a point and being haughty about it. Aforesaid you can often gauge those who are trying to impress people who really don’t care or prove some narcissistic classist point, those types think they’re a cut above even though they are not of it nor earned it. They annoy people and don’t have a good rep because of it. Lines like mine provably go back to the 1200’s theirs have none when all is said and done to be blunt. One of my parents came up with the descendant of Princess Kaʻiulani’s line in Hawaii and she didn’t throw her weight around in fact she actually had to work several jobs to live on the Island however was granted additional land with native fruit trees as well as a certain level of status/respect. The last sole heir to Khan’s empire was given extra land and some livestock. I came up with a distant relative that was a direct descendant of Pocahontas she didn’t behave like an a$$. I like many people in the world stem from several lines including Chief Oconostota, Nanyehi Ward, Chief Bushyhead, Genghis Khan, King Tut, and Queen Victoria which I’m not that elevated by for a reason that individual of that line came to America thus was slave owner and not raised to throw it around being obnoxious to people.
To be unabashed the sentiment of many Indigenous peoples of standing or not have we don’t hold European anything in the same regard as ours, why would we? They conquered our peoples, claimed our lands for theirs, nearly wiped us out, and suppressed us some still do to this day, many of us really couldn’t care less anything about them. Personally I don’t care about anything European I don’t find it appealing or superior whatsoever.
You get the feeling with the impressed types they want to be that but overcompensate, being annoying all the while the truth is no one who is secure is jealous, envious, impressed by them, nobody secure is hating on them, seeks to be them, or anything else especially those of us of those lineages it’s they just come across as dis-likable and insulting to people of that inherited element. Those types don’t know who they are in the one true God that’s why they have the inkling to go off into grandiose land all the while insulting/disrespecting people.