Victoria- The Face of Vindictive Resentment
I’ve spoken of this character from Twilight a few times over the years as a metaphor for when it comes to the resentful and vindictive of the usually the female sect of the underbelly of society. That hate resent-filled psycho mindset of “I’m gonna get you.” I’ve had females and one male from way back lurk constantly and or actually glare (or what we call Stink Eye or the Evil Eye for those us stemming from either Pacific and or Middle Eastern peoples) with that resentful intolerable plotting hatred of you could see the wheels turning of “I’m going to get you.” Most times you can look into their eyes and see nothing but vehement hatred and disgust like some in the kill zone animal preparing to pounce on prey. But as with Victoria’s character what occurs they destroy themselves because carrying that much ill-will and animosity it will destroy those who carry it. It’s like knowingly ingesting poison and yet hoping for it to effect others. It won’t because the hateful it can only corrupt and terminate those who harbor it.
mommy cool bean
And it’s staggering sometimes how those types of underbelly psychos can enlist others to enact some harm of some kind onto the subject of animosity. But as I’ve always said only a predator prowls around like that and attempts to vindictively plot against people who didn’t do anything to them usually doesn’t even know them. That is why they self destruct in life those kind are so preoccupied with reaping malicious retaliation and manipulating others who usually take the fall for something that isn’t even valid they destroy themselves. That was the metaphor for the character and well for those who are aware of ,Eclipse, her end was done really by her own hand. There are beings in life that you expect them to lunge at you at any given moment that have that much hatred in their eyes and selves. They quite actually look like that.
That was the whole moral base of Victoria’s character.