I wrote something mentioning this the other day about those who are vindictive using the “No fury like a Womans scorn” ideology which is true but there are people out there gender regardless who have that in them about anything and everything which is why most often they don’t have much in life when all is said and done because the world doesn’t want to be anywhere near types like that sooner or later. As aforesaid some just don’t like to be told “No” in any way about anything. They don’t take rejection or perceived rejection well besides people have a right to deny you access to them or their life. Vindictive types hate the word or actions of “No” because either they think they’re owed access to you OR they’ve concocted a scenario in their mind that doesn’t exist however denial is said or shown. Sure Women can be vindictive but anyone can be so if they’re already prone to that anyhow.
I’ve spoken of this a great deal particularly with the internet aside from my main court documented serial perpetrator and their mental as hell lot to put it bluntly - I’ve had females come after me before over something I had nothing to do with or even know interpersonally. That latched on and like to never detached because they really had it stuck in their mind I had somehow thwarted them in some way. Which reminds you of some middle school Girls who knew someone who knew someone that looked at their whatever male the wrong way or thought they heard something thus started messing with that Girl. I actually had a family member in her school days (long before the internet) who some Girls started calling her with what would now be called menace etc who didn’t even know them over some boy she equally didn’t know. Turned out who was at the bottom of it was some female at school who was always bullying my family member thus had told her dumb friends some illegitimate sob story to these Girls that had no validity. That’s the mentality that exists too much on the internet typically by grown individuals. The internet has opened up pandoras box of vindictive criminally insane institution, litigation, and or prison material. Too many use it for vindictive vicious reasons. People think they read something, saw something, or were apart of something they never were. Being male is no exception I’ve had male loved ones that had their tires slashed, the harassment of their significant other, interest, or just a random Girl they barely knew if at all because of a scorned mindset whether actual or imaged by some female they thwarted….or felt thwarted. That’s why on the internet I don’t place myself in those positions or deal with people like that. Either way as said the other day people have the right to turn you down for anything, even if they do it in a not so civil nice way your job is to walk away best case figure you dodged a bullet not continually hassle them otherwise you can land deep legally for that to continually harass someone who often when it comes to the internet doesn’t even know you. In actual life you have to be aware who you get involved with in any form because there are a good number of nuts out there who clearly aren’t level and are hell to get rid of. I dealt with it for a decade and they still hang around as do their imps from time to time because no one has ever bothered to put them away off the street where they won’t be a detriment if not a danger to society entirely. I’ve utilized this before when speaking on scorn it was a song by the late Prince
And this is why people like myself stay to ourselves because scorned beings in whatever way that may be are most often the most unpredictable in their behavior. Scorned types who clearly already have issues do all kinds of off the wall things or capable of it. The less you can engage, speak with, or deal with those types the better.