Wahine Review
As I’ve said many times where I come from this is us in a nutshell. Where we come from we’re typically raised to be real authentic Women and Men not little Girls little Boys playing some kind of stupid game. Be we mainland, Pacific, and or any other Indigenous we were the original warriors, we were here before anyone else. The rest can honestly go home where they came from and belong which is generally nothing of any meaning if they don’t like one of us or even all of us as you’re on our stolen lands not yours. Those issues are nothing but guests that colonized. Those type of problems came from nothing and are nothing as people generally otherwise they wouldn’t disrespect ot come at one of us to begin with. As one Asian brother once said ,if you attack us or mess with one of us expect a rebuttal. We do take up for ourselves and aren’t punks.
Courtesy of- Ryders Rants
Show some respect. Like I always say to those type of issues they got a problem they can bring it correct. ::Shrugs:: I will tell them though they wouldn’t want to be in a room with me for 5 seconds because they wouldn’t be nearly as arrogant as are obviously when I got done with them. I’d rip them a new one, it wouldn’t be difficult to do other than the obvious. Don’t hassle or harass me with BS period it’s simple.