Warped: The Beautiful Ones
“I think a lot of warped people come out of there (New York, LA, etc). I know a lot of warped Girls from there. They talk a lot. They talk a lot about nothing but I mean heavy they get into it like you wouldn’t believe. I mean we could get into an hour long conversation about my pants, you know why they’re so tight or something.” Prince: The Beautiful Ones
Courtesy of- Variety
I feel that. I’m one of those I can’t be around people who are quite surface and rudimentary. Never could. I was among those who never wanted a regular mundane 9 to 5, around mundane-ness, nothing surface. I abhor being in dryness, dry people, dry attempts at art no soul nothing to it nothing moving whatsoever, etc etc. I was saying to a loved one it’s funny I always admired Prince as formerly said, that type of art wanting to be part of it and could be. There isn’t really a space for it now, it’s either BS, basic, or very much of now. That is why talent is in musicals and theater now making a fraction of what mainstream does. It’s a shame really. It’s funny though having worked in human rights, he was about Freedom and had a struggle with it, so have I quite a bit for many years in different respects as said before. He was a sickly kid so was I. He was biracial I’m multi ethnic. My most liked and resonating album of his was 1995's “The Gold Experience,” I won a Gold in Human Rights as part of the Webby Awards which he also won Webby’s back in the late 90's/early 2000's, he had an affinity for the number 7, in the beginning of my predominate career I worked on the 7th floor. I have been affiliated with a pioneering org for years with the name in the same classification as diamonds and pearls the name of also one of my most admired songs was of that name.
I began working as a classically trained dancer as a youth, he of course a dancer in his own right he utilized real dancers (not strippers and sex workers) in his show and band. I dreamed of visiting Paisley Park for a show, I got the opportunity twice over. Only ambition that was taken off the table in pertaining to that was working with him or anything mainstream for that matter. Anything mainstream I wouldn’t belong in anyway these days. Nearly impossible for a Christian Jew that abides by it, they won’t even allow one of us in the door unless we were to compromise. They won’t even look at someone like myself respecting or taking it seriously. They don’t like people like me because I’m too bold, too honest, too unimpressionable, not a suck up, unwilling to impress in any way, too real and too raw. People like me are too refined, too wholesome for that space. For me Human Rights is more real and honest than anything in that space now to be entirely unabashed. It’s a shame for anyone who likes to create, most at home and content doing so, and always has in some form.
“The most important thing is to be true to yourself but I also like danger. That is what is missing in pop music today. There is no excitement and mystery. I’m not saying I’m better than anyone else I don’t think there is a lot of people telling the truth in their music.” Prince: The Beautiful Ones Los Angeles Times 1982
Funny how that applies to now 40 years later.
“If there is something out there you want go for it. Nothing comes to sleepers but dreams.” Prince: The Beautiful Ones