“We Have Been Groomed.”
An overdue expose’ on crime that flourishes within the modeling industry to be featured on SkyTV but will be shown internationally soon.
Courtesy- Model Alliance
I was commenting on this is why the unscrupulous of the business always seek to deal with kids 25 and younger because they are keen enough to know that typically anyone older than that is a full fledged adult that will likely rebuttal and clap back at any foulness as where kids are clinging to the notion of never rocking the boat. It’s a similar ecosystem of the entertainment field. They seek kids who they can control, groom, manipulate, and exploit. By the time models or entertainers are nearing age 30 generally they’ve been exposed to and been about the gambit of encounters therefore someone near that age is not going to be as apt to not question it. In fact by that age many have already walked away or threw in the towel because of nature of it that has taken place. Traditionally it such as the entertainment field is a racist, colorist, sexist, ageist field. There’s a large majority of models who walk away from the field well within 5 years and retired by age 25 at the oldest because they’ve been run through the gambit from pre-teen typically when a model was scouted on through early 20’s. Mid 20’s was and in some sectors considered “mature.” It’s a slightly more savory environment in the 2020’s but has a background of horror stories such as the entertainment business. Figure if a youth begins their career as young as 12 or 13 by mid 20’s that’s over 10 years of not solely the vocation of the grueling fashion realm but the encounters that go with it. That placed aside many walk away or forced to leave penniless despite their work, in-debt, often addicted, malnourished, and spirits utterly destroyed not so unlike entertainers, gymnasts, etc. They’re utilized to their furthest extent, abused, destroyed, and then eventually discarded — that has been the model the business has gone by. Those of the aforesaid predicaments quite actually must begin a brand-new lifestyle afterwards more frequent than not. The Lima’s, Campbell’s, Iman’s, etc are few and far between because of it’s root in these issues. This is why it needs to be changed.