What Are You Trying to Prove?

Voicing Freedom
2 min readFeb 5, 2022


I saw a post today by Adam Grant about people know when they’re truly happy and all encompassing successful when they no longer feel the need to impress people from high school or really the equivalent. When it get’s to that point of “What are you trying to prove? No one cares.” The truth is happy and actual successful people don’t trip on what other people think, are doing, saying, achieved, haven’t achieved, compete with people who aren’t competing with them, compare themselves to others, or anything else. Those are loathing resentful beings that dwell in a loathing resentful realm of self. I’ve had beings that would never follow me, interact with me they’d only watch, or anything else brought bad and negative contention but would and do pick off just about everything I do or say followed by then adding or post something with the undercurrent of “Well I and my clique are better than you we do more than you” when the reality is “Oh please you people are so corrupt, amoral, and into selves it practically oozes off you, don’t know what you’re trying to prove or pit this or that against but you need to grow up that’s for sure. The world doesn’t revolve around you.” It’s piteous when human life doesn’t mean anything to beings but somehow equates to themselves and what their corrupt and morally bankrupt jezebel-ish types do or don’t actually positively impact anything — that’s an inhumane place to be in. Truth is we aren’t the same kind they aren’t the kind I belong to not even a semblance of the kind I belong to and never have been. Always trying to prove a point no one that actually has anything going for them in life cares about. So jealous of decent people it’s very obvious always looking for a problem and to cause a problem. Like Ricky Grevais said I don’t care I’ve already been blackballed most likely doesn’t matter much to me. That’s the reality of it. Beings like that gauge everything everyone else is doing in their lives as put down or challenge it’s not towards them because after all the world revolves around them. Even a show, clip, or post that was made years ago somehow is against them when they weren’t even in the equation. Can’t intake any actuality of constructive criticism as they think they’re supreme and flawless when they’re just not. Far from it. Those types really are almost to be pitied to be that insecure and can’t accept any amount of truth, actuality, and thus their ego get’s bruised easily by the slightest correction or valid opinion. But hey keep lurking and reading they might drop their egotism, self importance, if not narcissism at some point, reflect on themselves, and their errors.



Voicing Freedom
Voicing Freedom

Written by Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince