When You Are Comfortable In Your Own Skin
When you’re comfortable in your own skin you don’t have a reason to be threatened in some form by others.
This goes over into delusional self beings of any background are about like ,this is a picture of it. Their whole selves are about putting others down to place themselves above others.. in theory when of course it’s entirely ludicrous. That is the whole premise those kind have of any gender. Their whole being is that. This is obviously an extreme case but the core mentality and attitude is standard. They’re deluded about themselves thoroughly, how they perceive the world, themselves and people is off kilter to the point it’s almost piteous. All the theatrics is a defense mechanism to make up for insecurity if not entirely insecure paranoid of others.
Courtesy of- Dr Phil
Those kind are argumentative, they are contentious, blantantly disrespectful, they like to begin fights, and troll-ish thoroughly. The definition of a troll is basically anyone who deems to get a rise out of people in any way possible. They want the attention of digging at people. I’ve made use of this video before to speak on this but that is what those kind are like. They really believe this about themselves, it’s not confidence it’s narcissism based on down putting others usually for no validity. They usually have emotional issues, mental issues, and or spiritual issues.
Those types really do live in a whole separate world. The truth is they are actually afraid, they are insecure, and intimidated through their own insecurity if not paranoid fear based perspective.
“When you are comfortable in your position, when you know who you are, when you are educated and are fact based you can walk into any room with confidence, you can talk to anyone, you don’t have to do anything except to simply be.” Spirit A Licensed Psychologist and Life Coach
That is poignant as well, they usually do have about a handful of things they say and basically variations of that because they’re not well rounded, mature people they’re narrow minded that live in a very ignorant bubble of self. They’re so full of themselves there isn’t any room for betterment or self development. As formally said they just replay the same troll-ishness on repeat.
To sum this post up, the premise of what Former President Barack Obama said at a Men’s luncheon on masculinity it was on target. When you are securely rooted in who you are you don’t have to enact all the extra and theatrics if you will. When you’re secure in yourself you’re not threatened by anyone else if you’re really all that grounded. That goes for anyone.
Courtesy of- KTVU Fox